Danube WILDisland
« 3,000 river kilometres, 9 Danube countries, 900 islands – the WILDislands act as stepping stones crossing all borders! »
The Danube WILDisland Ramsar Regional Initiative ultimately aims at the joint preservation and restoration of the Danube near-natural wild islands as the backbone of a unique Danube ecological corridor and indicator of intact river dynamics, preserved riparian ecosystem services, and best practice for cross-sector and cross-border cooperation.
Adopted in June 2024.
To ensure and support the effective conservation and wise use of wetlands and wild islands in the Danube-wide region.
Members: 10 countries from the source of the Danube River in Germany to the Danube Delta: Austria, Slovakia, Hungary, Croatia, Serbia, Bulgaria, Moldova, Romania and Ukraine; DANUBEPARKS Association; ICPDR.