Together for our European Wetlands

#OnlyTogether, we can implement truly impactful, effective, and bold
natural solutions for our European wetlands. Our coalition makes us:

What we aim for?

We seek to strengthen the impact of the Ramsar Convention at the European level, in particular in national, regional and international policies. We offer our support to policy-makers, managers and members of civil society to develop and implement inclusive and resilient wetland-based solutions to the environmental and climate crisis.

Who We Are?

We are a group of European Regional Initiatives under the Ramsar Convention advocating for wetland conservation, restoration and wise use at the European level.

« As Regional Initiatives under the Ramsar Convention, we are the operational means to provide effective support for better implementation of the Convention’s objectives and increase its visibility. By launching the E-CoWet Coalition we will increase international cooperation on wetland issues of common interest, involving all relevant stakeholders at the European level. We want the voices of the authorities,  and those of the people, experts and NGOs to be heard so that Wetland-Based Solutions are implemented for the sake of European nature and people.”

– Alessio Satta, MedWet Coordinator

Get involved

Our Members join the coalition because they care deeply about the future of their wetlands and people, and believe that E-CoWet has an important role to play in advocating for their conservation, restoration, and wise use.